zaterdag 16 december 2017

Our own truth

Reading todays newspapers i see we all tend to live in our perception of the truth. We check "buienradar", a weather app. I look outside and it is a beautiful sunny day in winter. I will go outside and feel if i need gloves.
In our corporate jobs we are busy with our KPI's looking back, instead of going to the Gemba (a japanese term used in Lean philosophy for the-place-were-it-happens).
I just read our children are being measured against statistics and predictions on Self-Esteem, technocats appperently think they are able to build a model with questions of the reality on Self-Esteem. If one does not fit in their construct these technocrate made, it is judged, being OK, or not OK. But what is really going on, is our kid feeling happy?

I hope we all today can really live in the moment and enjoy. In our own truth. Ask yourself this week, is this really happening now - at this moment - or am i looking at a construct, my phone, the tv, the KPI's, my idea, buienradar, Waze, polls.
I think constructs or ideas in our minds are really helpfull to have a vision or dream to ackomplish. They make us move, get in action. But on the other hand, we should not forget to be, here and now, and be very happy with what is!

So, stand up and take a look around, or go outsite, what is happening this moment, and enjoy mother earth and its creatures.

Have a nice weekend!

P.M While i was checking this blog on my phone, my boyfriend asked me if I noticed i had eaten a banane at the same time? I did not. ;) I am sure, you also have someone who can help you on this journey :)).